YO4 WOD 31/05/18
Warm Up & Mobilise STRENGTH 3x 'Touch and Go' Power Cleans Build to Heavy WOD - For Time 40 Double Unders (or 80 singles) 16 Hang...

YO4 WOD 30/05/18
Warm Up & Mobilise EMOM - 12 Minutes 1 Push Press & 1 Push Jerk PARTNER WOD 16 min AMRAP - round for round 5 Push Press (50/35kg) ...

YO4 WOD 29/05/18
Warm Up and Mobilise STRENGTH 5X5 Back Squat WOD - For Time 30-20-10 Wall Balls DB Single Arm Clean & Jerk Box Jumps

YO4 WOD 25/5/18
Warm up & mobilise -- Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat - Built to Heavy Complex -- WOD - 9 Minute AMRAP - Ascending 3's Snatch...

YO4 WOD 24/5/18
Warm up and mobilise — Build to heavy split jerk (technique work) - Partner wod - 6 rounds for time: 30/20 calories 10 man makers 20...

YO4 WOD 23/5/18
Warm up and mobilise — 1 Rep max front squat — 16 Minute amrap: 40 double unders / 80 singles 16 dB snatch 22.5/15kg 12 burpee box jump...

CORE Strength - Be Strong From the Middle Out!
Core Strength – How to be strong from the middle out! Everything comes from the core. The core is the foundation to all functional...

YO4 WOD 22/5/18
Warm up and mobilise — EMOM - 15 minutes: Minute 1: 3 deadlifts Minute 2: 16 seated dB press Minute 3: 12 dB lunges — Wod - for time:...

YO4 WOD 21/05/18
Warm Up & Mobilise T2B - Skill Focus WOD - In Pairs 30 min Time Cap Break down between you as you wish! 100 KBS 100 Air Squats ...

YO4 WOD 18/5/18
Warm up and mobilise - Build to heavy push press -> build to heavy push jerk Then 5 x 1 push press & 1 push jerk @ 80% of push press -...