YO4 WOD 31/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Wod - AMRAP: 12minutes 8 pull-ups 18 wall balls 9/7kg 400m run - 6 minutes rest - 12 minutes 8 single arm overhead...

YO4 WOD 30/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Power clean double Technique + build to heavy — WOD - DT - 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts 9 hang cleans 6...

YO4 WOD 29/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — 12 minute emom: 1: 6 strict hspu/9 pikes 2: 12 ring/box dips 3: 6 dB bent over row each arm — Wod in pairs - for...

YO4 WOD 28/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Backsquat 5 x 5 — Wod - 21-15-9: Wall balls 9/7kg kB swings 24/16kg Db snatch 22.5/15kg

YO4 WOD 24/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Deadlift - build to heavy 5 — WOD - for time: 30/20 calories 30 kB swings 24/16 20 box jump overs 24/20” 30...

YO4 WOD 23/8/17
Warm up and mobilise — Wod - 20 rounds for time: 10 dumbbell hang clean and jerk 22.5/15kg 10 sit-ups 150m run — 40 Minute time cap

YO4 WOD 22/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Overhead squat 4 x 2 > Backsquat 4 x 2 — Wod - amrap: 2 minutes max effort: Toes’2’bar 2 minutes max effort:...
YO4 WOD - 21/8/18
Warm Up and mobilise — Strict press 4 x 3 > 4 x 2 > 3 x 1 — Wod - for time: 50 du’s / 100 su’s 30 single arm kb push press 50 du’s / 100...

YO4 WOD 20/8/18
Warm up and mobilise — Power clean 3 Rep max — Wod - 5 Rounds for time: 3 cleans 50/35kg 6 bar over burpees 12 wall balls 9/7kg

YO4 WOD 17/8/18
Warm up and mobilise - Backsquat 10 Rep Max — Wod - in pairs - for time: Buy in - 1000m row / 2000m assault bike 3 rounds: 12 synchro...