Yo4 WOD 1/3/18
Warm up and mobilise. Strength - Backsquat establish heavy double > 3 x 2 @ 85% WOD -Â Rolling clock: 0-5 - AMRAP 25 double unders 10...
YO4 WOD 28/2/18
Warm up and mobilise. Squat therapy. Overhead squat 5 x 5 - for quality not weight. WOD: for time DumbbellFran: 21-15-9 dB thrusters...
YO4 WOD 27/2/18
Warm up and mobilise. Strength - Strict Press - 5 x 3 increasing weight. Pairs WOD - for time: 100 kcal bike/row 100 wall balls 9/7kg 100...

YO4 WOD 26/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Strength - Build to Heavy Power Clean + 2 Front Squats - WOD - For Time - 4 Rounds: 40 Double Unders 20 Box Jumps...

YO4 WOD 22/02/2018
Warm Up/Mobilise - STRENGTH E2MOM (Every 2nd Minute on the Minute) for 20 minutes 1- 10 Deadlifts 2- 5 HSPU (Hand Stand Push Ups) - WOD...

YO4 WOD 21/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Toes'2'Bar Skill Development - WOD - For Time: 400m Run 20 T2B 20 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg 400m Run 15 T2B 15 DB Snatch...

YO4 WOD 20/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Front Squat Heavy Triple> 3 x 3 @ 85% - WOD 5 Box Jumps 7 Push Press 40/25kg 35 Double Unders #gymnastics #crossfit...

YO4 WOD 19/02/2018
Warm Up/Mobilise - Gymnastics EMOM 1- 3 Wall Walks 2- 8 Pull Ups 3- 10 Hand Release Push Ups - WOD 12 Minutes - AMRAP (As Many Rounds As...

YO4 WOD 16/02/2018
Warm Up/Mobilise - STRENGTH Complex - Power Clean, 2x Hang Power Cleans - WOD 10-1 Wall Balls (9/7kg) DB Clean and Jerk Get Downs -

YO4 WOD 15/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - BackSquat 10 Rep Max - WOD - 20 Minute AMRAP 4 Turkish GetUps 8 KB Snatch 16 Front Rack KB Lunges 32 Double...