YO4 WOD 29/6/18
Warm up and mobilise — Pairs wod - for time: 60 calories ab/row 60 sit-ups 60 snatch 40/25kg 60 pull ups 60 bar over burpees 60 calories...

YO4 WOD 28/6/18
Warm up and mobilise — Complex: Clean + 2 hang cleans + 3 front squats — Wod - 20 Minute time cap: ‘Death by Thrusters’ 42.5/30kg Minute...

YO4 WOD 27/6/18
Warm up and mobilise — Wod 1 - 7 min amrap: 10 toes’2’bar 150m run - 3 Mins rest - Wod 2 - 7 min amrap: 10 cals bike/row 20 kettlebell...

YO4 WOD 26/6/18
Warm up and mobilise —— 15 Minute EMOM: 1 - 3 strict press 2 - 10 ring/box dips 3 - 5 tempo deadlifts 3-1-1 —— Wod - 6 rounds for time:...

YO4 WOD 25/6/18
Warm up and mobilise —— Backsquat 5 x 5 Superset seated Arnold press x 6 —— Wod - in pairs: 6 rounds - round for round: 15 calories 10...

Food for Thought - Yogurt
You walk down the aisle and the variety on offer is endless: low fat yogurts, yogurt drinks, yogurt with toppings etc! What is our...

YO4 WOD 22/6/18
Warm up and mobilise — 5 x 4 Minute amrap: 1 - power clean 50/35kg 2 - calorie row 3 - front squats 50/35kg 4 - calorie air bike 5 - bar...

YO 4 WOD 21/6/18
Warm up and mobilise - Push press 1 rep max - Wod - 3 rounds for time: 60 doubles unders / 120 singles 15 push press 50/35kg 150m run

YO4 WOD 20/6/18
Warm up and mobilise - Wod - in pairs - 32 Minute amrap: 20 dumbbell box step over 22.5/15kg 20 toes’2’bar 20 dumbbell clean and jerk 20...

YO4 WOD 19/6/18
Warm up and mobilise - Deadlift - build to heavy double. > 4 x 2 @ 85% - Wod - 6 Minute amrap - ascending 3’s: Deadlifts 80/50kg Bar over...