Cholesterol - It's time to change what you think you know!
High cholesterol causes heart disease right? Well no, not really. Cholesterol has been painted as a villain in the world of nutrition,...

More about Michael - YO4PT - A Local Personal Trainer with Global Skills!
Personal Training is about much more than making someone work harder than they normally would on their own, although thats a part of it!...

CORE Strength - Be Strong From the Middle Out!
Core Strength – How to be strong from the middle out! Everything comes from the core. The core is the foundation to all functional...

YO4 WOD 6/3/18
Warm Up & Mobilise - Tempo Deadlift 6 x 3 - WOD - 15-12-9-6-3 - For Time: Dumbbell Deadlifts 22.5/15kg Toes'2'Bar Box Jump Overs...

YO4 WOD 26/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Strength - Build to Heavy Power Clean + 2 Front Squats - WOD - For Time - 4 Rounds: 40 Double Unders 20 Box Jumps...

YO4 WOD 21/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Toes'2'Bar Skill Development - WOD - For Time: 400m Run 20 T2B 20 DB Snatch 22.5/15kg 400m Run 15 T2B 15 DB Snatch...

YO4 WOD 20/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Front Squat Heavy Triple> 3 x 3 @ 85% - WOD 5 Box Jumps 7 Push Press 40/25kg 35 Double Unders #gymnastics #crossfit...

YO4 WOD 15/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - BackSquat 10 Rep Max - WOD - 20 Minute AMRAP 4 Turkish GetUps 8 KB Snatch 16 Front Rack KB Lunges 32 Double...

YO4 WOD 14/2/18
Warm up & Mobilise - Strength: Strict Press 5 x 1 > Push Press 5 x 1 > Push Jerk 5 x 1 - WOD - 9 Minute AMRAP: Ascending 3's...

YO4 WOD 13/02/18
Warm Up/Mobilise - STRENGTH Front Squat 5x2 - WOD - 8 Rounds For Time 10 Barbell Thrusters (20/15kg) 8 Pull Ups 150m Sprint #crossfit...