YO4 Members Stories - Laura's Journey
'My name is Laura. I am an olympic lifting, rope climbing, box jumping, paleo eating crossfitter, and this is my story. I began treatment...

YO4 - Members Stories: All About Ruth!
We are exceptionally fortunate to have the people we do in our community and you can learn more about Ruth in her story below! Ruth has...

The Modern Diet & it's Effect on Health & Performance
Whether you're eating for health, performance or just simply to get by, finding the right foods and the right balance is increasingly...

Whole30 - What Next...
So, we are getting close enough to talk about then end! The end of Whole30 and what you all intend to do once the challenge is done....

Must Read - CrossFit: Purpose & Belonging in the face of life’s untold challenges, a Truly Inspi
CrossFit: Purpose & Belonging in the face of life’s untold challenges, a Truly Inspiring Story. CrossFit creates better lives. We have...

Why Should YOU join CrossFit YO4 in 2019?
The start of a new year is the typical time for you to join a gym, make New Years resolutions and try to make a fresh start towards the...

YO4 WOD 21/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Clean pull + clean - Wod - in pairs - 5 rounds for time: 30/20 calories 20 power cleans 50/35kg 60 air squats 20...

YO4 WOD 20/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - 4 rounds for quality not time: 4 Turkish get ups 8 barbell reverse lunges 12 plate sit-ups - Wod - 9 minute amrap:...

YO4 WOD 19/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Every 2 minutes on the minute - 5 rounds: 5 backsquats - Wod - in pairs - 10 rounds for time: 150m partner run...

YO4 WOD 18/12/18
Warm up and mobilise - Strict press 5 x 5 Superset 6Â ring or box dips - Wod - in pairs - for time: 40Â dumbbell box stepovers 22.5/15kg...